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How to maintain the mask-making machine?

Views: 222     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-14      Origin: Site


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Regular maintenance of the mask machine is to ensure that the equipment can maintain a long-term normal and safe operation, equipment maintenance using preventive maintenance and planned maintenance. The maintenance of the mask-making machine should be based on the actual operation and use of equipment, equipment wear law, and failure law to develop equipment maintenance and repair methods.

Here is the content:

l Daily maintenance content of the face mask machine

l Weekly scheduled maintenance of the mask machine

l Regular monthly maintenance of the mask machine

Daily maintenance content of the face mask machine

1. Check the surface of the mask machine and wipe it with a dry cloth or a cloth containing a small amount of water if you find stains on the surface of the machine. If the stain is stubborn or large, you can use diluted medium-sized detergent or alcohol to wipe it. Avoid using thinner, acetone, etc. to avoid discoloration and deformation.

2. Check whether there is any abnormal noise in the movable parts of the mask machine (such as screw, slide rail, etc.), if there is, you can add the right amount of oil to lubricate the part.

3. Check whether there are safety hazards in the mask-making equipment and whether the safety measures are effective.

4. Check whether there is a foreign matter or debris in the conveying track of the equipment, if there is, you can use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the debris.

5. Check whether the air pressure value of the equipment is within the range of 0.4-0.6Mpa (the value may be different according to different mask-making equipment, subject to the normal working air pressure) and whether there are water droplets from the air pipe leakage.

Weekly scheduled maintenance of the mask machine

1. Include daily maintenance items.

2. Check whether there are burrs on the slide fitting parts and wire rails, if there are, please use 800 or more granular sandpaper to remove the burrs.

3. Check whether there is any air leakage in the air pipe joints and air source components of the mask machine, if there is, please replace the new parts.

4. Check whether the electrical wiring is loose, if the wire arrangement is messy should be properly organized.

5. Check whether the appearance and parameters of the accessories and instruments are intact and whether the parameters are in the set value.

6. Check whether the switches and buttons on the mask-making machine are in good condition, and replace them if they are damaged or insensitive.

7. Check whether the belt of the assembly line is running normally.

Regular monthly maintenance of the mask machine

1. Include weekly regular maintenance items.

2. Measure the insulation resistance and the voltage value of the electrical parts of the equipment to see if they are within the standard value.

3. Check whether the mask-making machine stepping motor and general motor are running normally and whether there is any abnormal sound.

4. Check whether the screws of the active connection parts are loose.

5. Check whether the electrical circuit plug-in is loose and the wire is worn out, if so, please insert and replace it in time.

6. Check whether the glass of the shield is dirty, you can use a small amount of water sticky to the cloth for wiping, do not use a cleaning agent or industrial alcohol for wiping.

Do you know where to buy a masking machine? Every manufacturer is responsible for producing industrial mask machines that meet the standards. Gosunm Intelligent Industry Co., Ltd. conducts a lot of tests on the mask machine before leaving the factory to ensure the user's experience. If you are engaged in the mask machine business, you can consider using our cost-effective products.

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